Tonight is school night for me. I am in class for a four hour peroid, and dinner is up to my husband. He generally does a good job making something for the girls, but sometimes he lets the oldest pick out what they are going to have for dinner. The night he lets her pick = problems in the future. Once she starts picking, she thinks she can always call the shots at dinner.
You pick the meals:
Parents should pick what is going to be eaten, and when it is eaten... the kids should pick which of those foods are eaten, and how much of them. These rules or guidelines for meal times should always be applied at meal time, and are based on priniciples defined by Ellyn Satter. I would highly recommend going to her website and reading "How to Feed Children" for the age(s) of kids(s) which pertain to your family. She has some amazing information on her website and in her books that I apply with my family on a daily basis. It works!
Lesson for the day
Mom and/or dad pick dinner, the kids pick which of those foods they eat (and how much of them).