Tuesday, August 21, 2012


This word is often thrown around when it comes to eating right. Moderation is key, BUT you have to have a clear definition of moderation...
That doesn't mean you can "splurge" once a week and eat an entire carton of ice cream. It means you can have A single scoop of ice cream every couple of weeks or so. Moderation also means you do not eat it every day. [Check out my post on drinking one can of soda (or a food equal to 140 calories) every day and what that tiny amount really amounts to over the course of the year.]

Do you currently eat right and allow yourself the option to have the little extras every now and again in well thought out portion controlled amounts? If so, you properly practice moderation. Or do you forbid yourself to eat the junk you typically crave most. If you don't allow yourself the ability to eat your favorite foods every so often, when you do it will be a disaster and completely over done. So you over indulge some of the time instead (and feel guilty) or overindulge in a short window of time and feel guilty.

Think about it. Should you really be overly restrictive with your diet? Or allow yourself the foods you want most in small, portion controlled amounts every so often? Moderation is key, once you learn to properly control yourself and your portion size. Make sure you also account for those added calories when you do allow it in your diet. That means, if you know you are going to have dessert tonight, plan on eating a little less at dinner.

Good luck, and happy eating.
KCoughlin, RD

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